Modules, Packages, PyPi and all that...

Daniel Moser

Feb 15th, 2017

2nd IAG Python Boot Camp

Table of contents

Modules, Packages, and all that...

Python is a FREE language where simplicity matters. Thus, it should be easy to have (ie., download) published codes and also, publish your own code.

Standardizing the names:

This talk is complemented by this one: from otherswork import wheel: looking for useful Python packages.

How do I import a package in my code?

import this

Answer: if you satisfy one of these 3 conditions:

Never run python from a package folder!

How do I properly install a Python package?

Answer: one of two ways:


"pip is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python."

pip install _package_
# --user : local install (no admin rights)
# -U or --upgrade : upgrade existing installation
# --no-deps : no install of dependencies packages (useful for upgrade)
# --install-option="--prefix=$PREFIX_PATH" redirects the install

pip in embedded in 2.7.9+. If you have an updated version of Python and don't find it, run this command:

python -m ensurepip

Remember: pip installs binaries in addition to the modules. Add this installation path to your $PATH (in unix, is is $HOME/.local/bin).

WARNING: Never combine sudo with --user! Otherwise you will face critical permission problems for your packages!

Many more from pip can be learned!

Where do pip look for packages?

Answer: In the Python Package Index: PyPi!!!

"The Python Package Index (aka ``PyPI`` -- formerly known as the "Cheese Shop") is the preferred hub for publishing Python packages and modules. Python's standard library supports code uploads to PyPI through its ``distutils`` module." or

How do I publish in the PyPi??

Answer: do this check list:

This check list is not to discourage you.
It's to encourage you to do these things, because in the long run
they really are worth it (believe me!)

How a build a module?

That's a very good question!

Look the iagpyboot module example! (It should be at ...)

How do I generate a compatible with PyPi?

Here you have a MWE (minimal working example):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

""" Writing the Setup Script

from setuptools import setup  # , find_packages
# from distutils.core import setup

      description='IAG Python Boot Camp example',
      author='Daniel Moser',

How do I upload to TestPyPi?

Answer: Read Test PyPi Server!

  1. Register with the site. It has a different user database than the main PyPI server. It also gets cleaned out on a semi-regular basis.
  2. Fill in your test PyPI credentials in your ~/.pypirc file. You should end up with something like this:

repository =
username = iagpyboot
password = IAGpbc2017

repository =
username = <your user name goes here>
password = <your password goes here>
  1. Go to your project folder. Use the test server URL to register your project (it gives you the right to modify your project on the server):
python register -r
  1. Then uploading it:
python sdist upload -r
  1. Test it acessing !!!

How do I install my package from TestPyPi?

Answer: Once your project is on the server, test that you can install your package from TestPyPi:

pip install -i <package name>

Final remark

Good luck publishing your code!